
My Baby Learned He Has Hands!

So, my son is 3 months old now and I feel like I've returned to normalcy - to my old self again. However, as you parents know, raising a child gives a new twist on "normalcy". And of course, I will never be my old self again as one of my main roles in life is now a mother.

I was inspired to write today because I was just a guest speaker on a radio show - of the great host, Anjana Love Dixon and a bunch of stuff came up that I could talk hours about!

Over the last week or so, I noticed my son, Bowie, discovering his hands for the first time.  He doesn't know yet that he has control over them. My philosophical side was inspired today, so of course I thought of the correlation between this phenomenon going on with Bowie and ourselves, as adults. We all have the ability to manifest our desires, an ability that many of us don't realize. However, many of us are discovering this ability, such as when we pay attention to our thoughts and realize what comes about in our lives is what we think about and believe can or can't happen.  But we don't know we have a lot of control over our lives.

It's like our thoughts are like a baby discovering their hands. We know we have them (thoughts) but don't yet know how to control them to get what we want. I believe our thoughts are the tool to our lives. That's pretty darn powerful! That's why successful, enlightened gurus like Louise Hay preach doing affirmations. Affirmations are things that you say to yourself to help your life.

If thoughts are this powerful, you'd better pay attention to what your thoughts are. Are you thinking you love yourself? Are you thinking you can do whatever you feel your heart is calling you to do? Are you NOT thinking about what other people think of you, what you're doing, your thoughts and plans? Are you NOT comparing yourself to others?

These are all things that will lead you to a peaceful life and manifesting your dreams. I know because I've tried it in my own life.

Since I'm new at being a mom, I'm not confident like I am about everything else in my life, so it's interesting to watch what happens when my thoughts all of a sudden become self-doubt. It doesn't help that I read so much conflicting information in the research I did on caring for a newborn! There are the basics and then there are the nuances of how to care for a baby and also how to raise a child. I think that's how most of our life is. You need to know the basic steps to learn and do what you want, but the specifics of HOW to go about doing it are the nuances of life. Nuances are different for every single person. You need to realize you have gut feelings about what you should be doing and how you should be doing it and have CONFIDENCE to follow these feelings.

I didn't realize how important and powerful self confidence is for the rest of my life and my mental sanity to be good and balanced until I lost my usual self confidence the last few months (the first few months of my son's life, and first few months of being a mother). I've become an emotional wreck! Of course hormones played a big part in that too! haha.

Here's what I've noticed happens when my thoughts are on self doubt...

  • I think I'm not doing things "right"
  • I question my ability to do things "right"
  • I compare myself to others who seem to be doing it "right"
These are all such damaging thoughts, yet so many of us think them. When this is our norm, we don't realize it.

I need to follow my spiritual teacher, Wayne Dyer's advice when he talks about how he raised his children. He said when they had a problem, he asked them what did their heart/intuition say to do? This is a lesson we all need to remind our selves of every day. 


I'm a Mom Now!

Well, I did it!  I survived a natural labor and delivery and have lived to tell about it. LOL.  I'm proud to welcome our son Bowie Johnson into the world a few days ago, on Saturday, September 5 at 7:45 AM.  He was due on Labor Day but decided to join us a couple days sooner (thankfully because I was so done being pregnant!)

I'd like to share an abbreviated version of my birth story, and what I've experienced the first few days of being a mama.  My first contractions started Friday late afternoon when I was at Opry mills mall with my parents. Then by 10:30 PM we called the midwife and she said to come in to the birthing center.  I was only 3 cm dilated, but she let me stay there for an hour or so to see if things would progress before sending me home to labor more at home. I was very thankful about that because the idea of getting in the car and driving back home and coming back again while having painful contractions was the last thing I wanted to do!  I had progressed enough over the next couple hours so we stayed. It was my ideal birthing experience getting to birth at the brand-new birthing center, Baby & Co! Bowie was the first boy to be born there.

I labored all night and took advantage of the shower and tub, although for the majority of labor I was most comfortable using my hypno babies hypnosis techniques while in bed.  It's funny how time both seems to drag and fly at the same time well you're in labor.  It seems like a while before I could go into the tub, but when I did it was very relaxing (as relaxing as it can be having increasing intense contractions) and I transitioned quickly.  Up until that point my hypno babies hypnosis techniques worked wonderful for laboring. But when I got to the transition stage, they were just so intense and painful thing I could not stay in hypnosis.  Having my Doula, Merrill (of Merrill ChildBirth Services) there to get me through the pain was a life saver when I said many times that I couldn't take it and I wanted the pain to stop in the transition period.  Both my husband and I said we don't know how we could have gotten through it without her help. I highly recommend a doula (especially Merrill if you're in Nashville) to anyone.

It was during this period, when the hypnosis tool I was using wasn't working anymore and I kinda freaked out thinking I didn't think I could handle the pain. I said I wanted an epidural but that wasn't an option. I knew I might get to a point where I would want it and if I were delivering in a hospital, I probably would have gotten it, but I knew that wasn't how I wanted to give birth so that's why I chose the birthing center. That decision to switch from an OB to this natural route was guided by spirit - both my spirit guides and Bowie's spirit (which incidentally WAS one of my major spirit guides in this and many past lifetimes). I was told I would have an amazing, life changing spiritual transition if I gave birth naturally. Since my main spiritual lesson the past couple years has been trust and surrender, I saw this as an opportunity to put my trust to the ultimate test. I never would have thought I could do a natural birth. In fact, I had always said when I have a baby, I'm definitely getting an epidural, since I'm such a baby when it comes to pain. Even though I was scared, I trusted my divine/spiritual guidance and decided to go with the birthing center.

Well, when my labor got to the point where my hypnosis tools stopped working, I had no choice but to turn to spirit to surrender and trust that the universe and all my (and Bowie's) guides and angels would get me through it. I actually didn't think of turning to spirit in the middle of the increasing pain of the transition period and my mind freaking out. It was Dave who got the message to tell me to do this. When I did, sure enough, a major shift happened. I was told I went from ~6 cm dilated to 10 and fully effaced and feeling the urge to push in about an hour! I was also told that I said a mantra/prayer that I don't remember saying and still now, I don't know what it means. I will have to continue to ask spirit and meditate about it. What I do remember is a shift in my mind. From that moment on, for the rest of the labor and delivery, my mind was elsewhere. I felt kind of like I left my body, but just with my mind. I was fully aware of what was going on and still felt like I was physically in my body but my mind didn't freak out because something, like a peace took over and I felt like I didn't need to think about what my body was doing, I really, truly surrendered.

I had never surrendered my mind and body before. I had successfully surrendered fear over the past year, but never my whole mind and body. It was indeed the ultimate lesson and experience of surrender and trust. I think, now, whenever I feel fear, I will have to remember whenever I surrender to spirit, it never fails to support and get me through anything, if it got me through what most people regard as the most difficult and painful life experience - childbirth.

So, I was told to get out of the tub after my water broke.  I went back into the bed to push and deliver. I was told that I only was pushing for one hour.  I don't remember much of what was going on around me at that point because the pain was so intense!  The final minutes of pushing and delivery was one of the most excruciatingly painful things I have ever experienced. Thank God the excruciating part only lasted a minute. Dave was behind me during the whole pushing time being an amazing coach and getting me through it. When they put Bowie on my chest I was just in awe that he came out of me.  They had emergency staff there ready because he had pooped in his sack during labor and they weren't sure if he aspirated any of it. There was, I was told, at least 10 people in the room at delivery. When he immediately started crying, I was told everyone breathed a sigh of relief and everyone but my birthing center team- midwives and a nurse - and my Doula left the room.  After the umbilical cord stopped pulsating Dave got to cut it. It was so nice laying in that big bed with Dave enjoying our new baby for about an hour.  I told Dave and kept thinking holy crap, we are parents now. This is our son!  He was just perfect!

We went home after about four or five hours. I thought to myself as he was put in his car seat how are we going to keep this child alive ourselves?! I know nothing about taking care of a child much less a newborn.

My two boys. We just strapped him in his car seat. Ready to head home from the birthing center.

Bringing Baby Home

That first afternoon and evening were a whirlwind. I am so grateful that my parents are in town to help us out!  Breast-feeding has proven to be very difficult. I was prepared for it to be difficult because I had taken classes and read a lot but you are never prepared for just having gone through a 10 hour labor and are scared and excited and have a flood of emotions and at the same time are very sleep deprived and hormonal.  Dave and I equate it to the frustration of trying something new and challenging for the first time but adding a person who is also trying it for the first time and is also very frustrated.  But we obviously can't wait to start growing quickly because the little tiny bit of colostrum that I am able to produce is not enough to quench his hunger.  Today is day three and it is getting a little easier.  Despite the midwife's recommendation, we decided we needed to give him a little bit of formula.  It was the right decision!  Today I am for the first time able to bond with my child in a non-stressful or frustrating situation. Because before today, he was either inconsolable with hunger or we were both frustrated trying to get him to latch and nurse.

I hope my milk comes in tomorrow and I am able to breast-feed, but I am not going to freak out if that might not be possible.  I will meet with a lactation consultant this week, and take him to his first pediatrician appointment.

I'm writing this as I lay with him in my arms admiring him.  The world seems to stop when I'm looking at him.

For now I am going to enjoy my perfect adorable baby and be thankful that difficult labor and delivery experience is over! I know it went smoothly and not too long compared to the average labor, but even a "smooth" birth hurts like hell.


Message from the Butterfly

So I'm getting very close to my due date and am kinda freaking out a little about the labor & delivery. It doesn't help that my hormones have started to go crazy. This morning I asked my spirit guides and my baby's spirit to help me calm down and give me emotional strength to get through labor. Well, as I sat outside having my coffee this morning, I got my help/message.

A butterfly landed on my foot and stayed there or around me for a while. I can't remember the last time I had a butterfly land on me. At least it has been many years.  I knew that I needed to look up the spirit animal totem of the butterfly when I got inside.  Of course, the message was perfect and just what I needed to hear. Here is what one site, shamanicjourney.com, says that really resonates with me. There's such great stuff here that is undoubtedly helpful to many people, so I'm just going to share a portion of their article here...

Butterfly is the symbol of change, the soul, creativity, freedom, joy and colour. It reminds us not to take things too seriously and to get up and move. They teach us that growth and transformation does not have to be a traumatic experience. It can be joyous. Butterflies possess the ability to grow and change, leaving the safety of their cocoon to discover a new world in a new form without fear, trusting their untested wings to fly without a doubt in their minds. They work through many important stages to become the beautiful creature they are. Similar to the butterfly, we too are always moving through different stages, each equally as vital. It is no good rushing to a particular stage, nor is it good getting stuck at a stage and becoming stagnant. Butterfly is a potent symbol for those considering, or in the throes of, a big change. Butterfly is also one of the most inspiring symbols of the animal world, knowing precisely the time to leave the comfort and limitation of its cocoon, flying freely into the world. Quite frequently, we are not so certain. The cocoon of our thoughts and fears may be limiting, they are also safe and familiar. We can become afraid of what may be outside of our limiting thoughts and belief systems, trapping us and holding us back from ourselves, from our dreams and desires, from our unlimited potential.
We can learn how to move on, how to grow from and improve a situation by finding out which stage we are at. This may be the egg stage, the beginning – where an idea is born and not yet reality. The larvae stage is when you physically get your idea going, usually involving preparation such as planning. The cocoon stage entails developing your ideas, project or talent. The ultimate stage of transformation is coming out of the chrysalis, the birth of the butterfly. This last stage is about sharing the colours and ecstasy of your creation with the rest of the world. Remember that we are always evolving, growing and that we are always at one of these stages. Figure out which stage you are at, whether you need more time to complete one stage before being ready going on to the next. Be careful not to rush, nor get stuck either.
Not all change feels deliberate, it can be very subtle. Such as losing a job and then circumstances pushing you in to a new direction. There may have been things going on within you, getting you ready for a change subconsciously, that you didn’t even recognise. If you are feeling insecure and unsure of what is going on in your life right now, then look back over what has been going on in your life recently or even long ago. Have you ever wished that you had a different job? Of changing career? Are you able to see that on some level your wishes are coming true? I’m sure you will remember the good old saying ‘be careful what you wish for..’ What you focus on, is sure to manifest.
Butterfly can help you see that exiting the cocoon suddenly opens a new door, that there is power in trust and vulnerability. No more than you does a butterfly know whether it can fly, but it opens its wings in perfect confidence, and discovers that their delicacy allow its graceful flight, its dance in the air. When we understand that transformation can be as natural as breathing, when we take ourselves lightly, when we trust in our own untried wings to support us, we learn the message of Butterfly, life itself is a joyous dance. Dance brings us the sweetness of life.


Float / Isolation Tank Experiment - Float #3

Week 3
I did float #3 last night at Float Nashville. I chose the 7pm time and the open tank again.

It was a great float! I'm glad I did the night-time again since I always feel zen and ready to fall asleep after almost every float I've done. I slept so well and long when I got home last night!

I decided to try listening to a guided meditation this time. I'm glad I did! I think this is the way to go, especially for those people who have a hard time relaxing in complete silence listening to nothing but your breathing and your thoughts.

Since I'm a few short weeks away from my due date, and I took the Hypnobabies hypnosis for childbirth class, I figured it perfect to listen to one of the hypnosis meditations.

This was the first float in my prego float experiment where I fell asleep (or maybe I was just in hypnosis or deep meditation). It was wonderful. I was able to fully relax within 10 min. and enjoy that wonderful, unique feeling of floating weightlessly that you can only experience in a float tank - or in space I imagine, but I'm not going to fly to space anytime soon. And, as my growing baby only gets bigger and heavier, I appreciate the load off more and more. In fact, it had been a little more than 7 days since my last float and I felt like my body was craving it.

I kind of wish I didn't go into a sleep or deep meditative/hypnotic state so I could consciously enjoy that awesome floating feeling longer, but I know that state is very healing, even if I'm not conscious of it.  While I was conscious and slowly drifting off, for, about the first 30 min., I remember feeling like my body was in a time warp and falling gently through kind of like a black hole into some other dimension or galaxy in space. I remember feeling the presence of other spirits and angels and even communicating with them. They are all getting ready for the big moment when my baby's spirit enters his body fully and permanently and joins us on earth. I also made sure to ask them to ensure it would be an easy, smooth transition for me also. From a spiritual, metaphysical standpoint, I'm aware that his spirit comes in and out of his body as it's growing in my womb and believe that at birth, it will be permanently in his physical body. I feel like during my drifting into meditation, I felt the spirit world views this transition as a major one, like a firework-producing major event. Of course, people who have experienced childbirth probably already understand the magnitude of this event on a spiritual level as well as every other level. I can't wait to experience it!!!

All in all, it was a very relaxing float and I'm still feeling zen the next day. As I've come to know, deep meditative states are healing on many levels and I won't know the effects of it this soon after, and it's often cumulative, but I know it was great for my pregnant body and mind!


Isolation / Float Tank Experiment: Float 1 & 2

As I was deep in my third trimester a couple weeks ago (I'm 36 weeks now), I was really feeling the aches and pains of pregnancy including expanding hips, back ache, leg cramps, hormone roller coaster. It had been a while since I had a float session at Float Nashville, in their isolation tanks and it just occurred to me that there would probably be so many benefits to doing floats during pregnancy. There is something like 600+lbs of epsom salt in the water. There are many benefits of epsom salt for muscles, leg cramps (charley horses as I like to call them), ligaments, etc... The fact that you're taking away all gravity & weight from back, hips, legs, sciatic nerve, for 90 min seems like it would give all that a chance to rest & heal. Not to mention the extreme mental calm you get from the salt and the sensory deprivation. My hormones have been taking me on an emotional roller coaster! When I've done this in the past, I've felt such a peace for days after.

So, I decided to do one float a week for the remainder of my pregnancy and blog about my experiences and any benefits I saw. 

Background on float/isolation tanks if you're not familiar: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isolation_tank 

Here's a site that talks all about the therapeutic benefits of floating on pregnant mothers:http://ovarium.com/lang-en/content/48-bain-flottant-therapeutique-benefices-pour-les-femmes-enceintes-lors-de-la-grossesse

Float #1:

I did a night float (7-8:30pm) in their open tank - which is not an isolation chamber like the wikipedia picture above but more like a big rectangular hot tub (that only has about a foot of water). I really like the open tank and feel the same benefits of sensory deprivation as I did in the other tanks but I feel a little more comfortable in the open room vs. the tank.

As soon as my body hit the water, I swear my back and hips were rejoicing! The weightlessness was heaven!!! I just kept thinking for a good half hour "I'm in heaven". The relaxation that all my muscles felt after just an hour was equivalent to how I feel after a 2-hour massage (because 1-hour massages can only go deep in some areas of your body, there's never time to get that deep, full-body zen in one hour).

During my float, I decided to try flipping over onto my stomach and drape my arms and chest on a long float log they provided. This was wonderful because for the first time in 6 months, I was able to lay on my stomach! And I'm normally a stomach sleeper, so this felt so great! After what seemed like a half hour or so (time disappears in the float tank), I felt I wanted to experience that weightlessness on my back again before time was up, so I laid like that for the remainder of my 90 min. session.

For this session, I decided to use the inflatable neck/head rest they provided and take out my ear plugs. I had always done floats before without the neck/head support and with earplugs in and it always took longer to adjust to being able to hear myself breathe so loudly in my own head. I really liked not using earplugs and using the head rest so I didn't feel I was always an inch away from salt water getting in my eyes. I think I will do it like this from now on.

I also remember falling asleep in all of my last float sessions. I didn't fall asleep in this session. I think my body was just so excited to feel relief and enjoy the sensation of being on my stomach and having no pressure on my back & hips. I did zone in and out mentally though...

I just love and missed the feeling of the water gently supporting my body. Since the water temperature is about the same as my body temperature, and since you're floating in a dark, silent room, after a while, you don't know where your body ends and the water begins. I feel one with the water and it easily takes me on brief out-of-body experiences where I feel like I could be floating in space. It's such a cool feeling!

I felt like I floated home! Every muscle in my body as well as my mind were feeling so relaxed and zen. This feeling extended into the next day too! The extended physical benefits were amazing! I didn't have a single leg cramp all week! I also was able to get a good night's sleep several nights after the float whereas before, I would wake up with hip pain and need to switch sides every couple hours. My back pain disappeared for several days and it only came back with minor pain that I could manage and improve with stretching.

Float #2:

I did the open tank again. This time, I tried a mid-afternoon session (3-4:30pm).

I wouldn't do an afternoon session again because I wasn't able to clear my mind like I have been able to every time I do a night session. I experienced during this session, what I've heard many first-time floaters experience. Not as much physical relaxation because the mind won't stop racing and the anxiety or uncomfortable feelings that accompany this. It's interesting because after reflecting on my first session, it's clear I needed more physical healing at the time then mental healing. And, in my second session, I felt more mental anxiety, or maybe that's a strong word - maybe just that uncomfortable mental state when you feel you should be able to relax but can't and you get frustrated which causes more discomfort. I think, I needed more mental healing this time than physical. Which would make sense because I wasn't feeling as much of the physical discomforts of pregnancy over the last week after my first session but was feeling anxiety over childbirth and the transition into motherhood.

I wouldn't say I felt worlds better with my mental anxiety, which was what I was dealing with this week, after my float but I did feel a little better. The fact that becoming a parent and birthing a baby are such monumental, major life things, does not surprise me that I wasn't able to be completely "healed" after just one float session.

I think part of the mental anxiety healing process is to recognize and face those things that are causing us anxiety before we can release them. I believe my float session allowed me to block out all other life distractions and focus on nothing but the elephant(s) in the room. It wasn't a pleasant feeling. However, I know it's necessary in healing the mind and spirit.

I think a lot of people experience this during their first float, especially those who are in good physical health, because the physical body is usually the first to want to heal before the emotional body. I think giving up after just one session if you experience this is like giving up just as you're starting to make progress. I look forward to seeing more emotional relief after my next session.


The Wonders of Being Guided By Spirit

My last Empowerment Hour with TSU students today was so inspiring and heartwarming, I think I got as much of a benefit as I think the students did. I love how the universe guides me through other people. I didn't even bring any notes of what I was going to talk about, I just trusted my spirit would guide me and I'd know what to do when it started. I thought of some ideas of what I could say over the last week and sure enough, when I let spirit guide me, it's like magic sometimes how cool things unfold and how spirit guides me when I keep myself open to it.

So, I just decided to let them tell me what they wanted to talk about - so I could directly address their needs. I gave them pieces of paper and said to write any question they have about anything in the areas of relationships, career and/or spirituality. They came up with such precious and brilliant questions. I not only was able to help them with some big issues they have in their lives right now but I am learning what young people of college age are having problems with. There are, not surprisingly, common issues. The better I can know this audience, the better I can develop speeches with pertinent content - that will attract them to want to come to hear my message.

And also, one student asked about meditation. Ironically, the answer to almost everyones questions seemed to boil down to the fact that having a clear, strong connection with spirit is the answer and meditation is a main way to achieve that. Now I see why my spirit was pushing me so hard to do these Empowerment Hours with the students, and the drive to keep trying even after the first one failed - no one showed up. I just feel a push that's bigger than myself to keep at it. Some would call that following your heart. Now I see how valuable it can be. I only had a few students this time but learned so much and have much more clarity about what to do for next steps.

Baby steps. I have patience and confidence in growing my business and making a living as a public speaker because I know something much bigger than myself is guiding me and therefore it can't go wrong. I know this and have faith in it because I've been testing this theory / phenomenon for years and it has proven time and time again that it's the best GPS for you live.

Thank you students who attended my Empowerment Hour today. You've inspired me and you and your struggles are in my thoughts and heart. You are all such brilliant, beautiful, talented young ladies and I hope I can help you see that for yourselves.


I'm On a Mission From God

As the Blues Brothers said, "I'm On a Mission From God". 

So I haven't written in a long time because I've been in the dark about my path in life for a while and didn't seem to be getting what I desired which caused me to be withdrawn (maybe necessary to have the major spiritual transformations I've had in the last 6 months).
BUT... I finally got a big message from God today! I feel inspired to share this message.

I caught a bit of Joel Osteen's sermon on TV this morning (after my joking that you know you're in the bible belt when the only thing on TV Sunday morning is church TV). I thought I'd see why so many people seem to like him so much. After a few minutes, I heard a message that directly answered what I was talking to my dad about yesterday: That I was frustrated that I haven't reached success in my career yet, especially financial success.

I didn't really know what my exact career even was going to be, I just know that when I follow my heart, in my experience and belief, I can't go wrong. I've known that ultimately I will travel the country speaking/teaching/singing and in the last year I've discovered the audience I'm called to is young adults. I've even narrowed down the "what" that I will speak and teach about - what I've learned and believe about spirituality and how to use it to gain self confidence, self love and self empowerment. So, those are the only things about my ideal career I know. However, I've been in the dark for a while about not knowing the path to get there and what my next steps should be. This is a very frustrating and freightening feeling, not knowing. And I am a very impatient person so the last year of me asking God/spirit/my divine guides for answers and not getting many answers all the while struggling financially, has seemed like an eternity!

I'm thrilled to say, that my answer has finally just been revealed to me this morning!

First, I'd like to share with you what Joel Osteen spoke about that led me to my answer from spirit.

Keep the faith even in times of challenge AND when you don't understand why you're facing this challenge. Keep faith in following your heart and dreams despite this. For me this means not worrying or comparing myself to anyone else who might be reaching their own levels of success when I have not yet.

He also talked about challenge and pressure as necessary to build the character that you'll need to do what it is you're meant to do. And if the challenge was really an obstacle to achieving your dream, God would have removed it already.

I love the idea that in order to learn true faith, you have to learn it through doing/experiencing having it despite challenge.

I may have a longer, more challenging career path than most, but my faith is not waivering. I will stay the course and continue to ask spirit for guidance along the way because I know in my heart this will bring me success beyond my wildest dreams. I think few people could do this unique career path because it takes a huge amount of tenacity, and we all know I've got plenty of that! ;)

I'm not even thinking about money when I think about my calling because I believe the amount of love and joy that comes from doing something you're passionate about, and the rewards you get back from helping others is triple what you give. I don't need to think about making money at this stage because I know I will be rewarded very well financially when I follow my passion, heart and calling. I will be abundant in love, health AND money. And I have always been and will continue to be supported financially along the way. Somehow I've always managed to pay my bills and put a roof over my head and food on my table.

I'm grateful that I have so much love in my life right now (a wonderful husband and band that we have so much fun sharing together) as well as my health. And I really love my current job teaching the students at TSU. Not to mention our hearts and the love are going to expand more than ever when our first child comes into the world. I have so much to be grateful for as I journey along my path to my ultimate career, how can I complain? Well, I was fortunately (or unfortunately ;) born to shoot for the stars and have had a hard time being grateful for what I have along the way.

It's so necessary for me to get a glimpse of the bigger picture once in a while from the powers that be who see my bigger picture and confirmation that in fact, I am on the right path and that yes, I will actually reach the star that I'm shooting for in the future. Thank you God/universe/spirit! I needed that and am now feeling so much peach and gratitude for everything I have!

All it takes is faith. So simple yet SO difficult.

Faith. 1. Faith that all is just as it should be right now. 2. Faith that following your heart and love really is the answer. 3. Faith that each one of us has the power to fulfill our dreams, whatever they may be/look like. And when it doesn't seem to be panning out like or looking exactly how we imagined, see #1.

I feel like keeping my big message from spirit today about my path and next steps private (because many of you would think it's crazy as I did for a minute), but I'll tell you that it is not at all what I ever imagined I would be doing. But because I follow faith "rule" #1, I can see how it will lead me to my big picture, my ultimate career idea. And I know it will lead me there because when I was given this message/guidance today, my heart had fireworks thinking about it and I believe in faith "rule" #2.

Peace and love to you all and may you always follow your heart.
