
Stress & Anxiety Are Not Normal

This week the universe hit me over the head with a 2x4. Every once in a long while, when I don't listen to what the universe is trying to tell me through my intuition it lets me know. In fact, I've recently heard that the universe will tell you what you need to change in your life to follow the path you desire in increasing degrees of severity. 

I recently heard a lecture from a woman, Ester Nicholson (an amazing inspirational speaker & singer who has a book out - www.esternicholson.com), who is a recovering alcoholic and drug addict and she described the different messages (and messengers) the universe sent her - ultimately ending in a near death experience. Many people aren't in tune with their spirit and are so enveloped in the power of their ego (the ego is very powerful), that they need to basically hit rock bottom before they recognize what the universe and their spirit is trying to tell them. I used to be like that but luckily, as I've become more attuned to my spirit (reiki has been the biggest help), I have learned to realize that stress, anxiety and depression are not normal and that is the way the universe and my spirit communicate with me. That is how my emotional issues manifest themselves. Emotional issues can manifest themselves in any way - including physical pain.

So, I'm was practically having an anxiety attack earlier in the week and my first reaction is still to think that it's caused by something external. I should know better by now after studying people like Wayne Dyer whose video clip I just showed my students. It's about my favorite phrase - When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. The video clip tells how nothing you feel is because of anything outside yourself - it's all internal emotions.

Even though I know better, I'm still a human that was raised under certain society "norms" that are contrary to the law of attraction and how the universe really works. So it still takes me a few days to realize that for me, stress and anxiety are the universe's way of trying to tell me something. When I did realize this, I went to a quiet place in my house where I could be alone (my bedroom) and meditate and ask the universe what is it?! 

I'm so thankful that I'm at a point in my spiritual and psychic development that I can clearly hear the answers. Here are all the amazing things it had to tell me...

My anxiety is not because of anything going on externally from me but because of my fear of confidently expressing my thoughts & ideas about the law of attraction, especially in my lyrics & singing.  I have an underlying fear that people won't believe me or won't like me because they don't agree with what I'm saying.  I see that in order for me to enjoy being a professional motivational speaker, & to be successful at it, I need to get over this fear and the universe is bringing it to my attention. 

At the same time, I'm experiencing anxiety because I'm a sensitive person and am sensing and absorbing my students' stress at being afraid of public speaking & of failing. Isn't that ironic that in figuring out how to help them, I'm learning how to help myself for the exact same thing. They tell me the main reason they're afraid of public speaking is they're afraid of what people will think of them. I also don't like the thought that not all of my students will like me. All of this teaches me 2 things: 1, that I need to learn to block others negative energy and not absorb others stress, fear or other negative emotion and 2, know that not everyone will like what I have to say or agree with me and learn to be ok with that. I need to speak my mind with confidence & conviction.

Finally, I also realized I have fear that I can't handle this big workload. I realize now that when I'm a successful public speaker & singer, I'm going to be even busier than this. So, in order for me to enjoy being a professional motivational speaker, & to be successful at it, I need to be able handle a busy schedule and getting through this semester will give me the confidence to know that I can.

I was thinking, why are all these fears surfacing all at once? It's a little much for a person to handle at once, isn't it? Then I remembered several psychic friend's telling me they see my dream taking off soon, so I guess I need to be prepared soon. A year ago I sensed it was a big undertaking I was dreaming of & venturing into and this is what happens when you tell the universe "I'm ready, I can handle it, bring it on". Be careful what you wish for. The way the universe works is it is impartial - it brings you exactly what you think about - good or bad. 

Luckily, this is all good and I'm very thankful that I've been shown these fears that I need to get over and the lessons that I need to learn. It's all going to take me closer to realizing my dream and as it gets closer, I'm getting more and more excited and more in love with my life, myself, those around me and the universe! Woo hooo!!!!!!!


The Universe Works in Mysterious Ways

After church this morning, I had an "ah ha!"/ lightbulb moment. You know when all of a sudden it's like a lightbulb goes on above your head like in cartoons and you have such clarity about something. I realized that what I was doing for a living right now (teaching communication & public speaking as an adjunct at various area community colleges) was not something that I was just doing to pay the bills and was getting in the way of what I really wanted - it is exactly what the universe has given me in order to help me on my desired path. I didn't realize this before now because it seemed like a strange, crazy way to get what I want. No one that I know of or could imagine would ever get to where I want by route of the path that I seem to be taking.

I love when the universe shows me that it's got my back and it's working for me. I need that confidence once in a while to keep my analytical mind with remnants from the society in which I grew up that was overly practical and didn't encourage imagination and taught you need to choose a path that is logical and has stable income, etc...  I've realized long ago that this kind of thinking limits people from actually getting what they want. They worry so much about the logistics of how something can be done and needing to know everything there is to know about it instead of just taking steps to start inquiring about how to get started and then actually DOING it and trusting that you'll get the guidance you need for next steps along the way. (this is a whole other topic worthy of a book-length blog for another day)

What IS it already?

So, you're probably wondering what is this crazy, unique route the universe has led me on. My desire is to travel around teaching, motivating and inspiring others to follow the law of attraction to get what they want and to achieve ultimate happiness/satisfaction in life and also incorporating my love for singing. I always knew I liked teaching and discovered almost 10 years ago that it was teaching at the college level that I really liked. This is why I went to grad school because it's required to teach at the college level. I didn't realize then that mostly the only teaching jobs that are open for someone with a masters degree in communication are teaching public speaking. This class is a common core requirement of most associates and bachelors degrees. So, when I first started teaching college for a living this past spring, I was happy to take whatever I could get. I kept thinking though that teaching public speaking was not related to what I really wanted to do and that maybe this was just giving me teaching experience. I really know nothing about public speaking. Don't tell my boss or my students! ;) (Actually most communication grads don't study public speaking in grad school but have to teach it).  I took one class in it 15 years ago while in undergrad. I had to learn what to teach from reading the textbook that was given to me and the handy teachers guide.

An aside: Talk about taking a leap - agreeing to teach a class you know nothing about. I knew that this was part of my path and had faith that I would learn what I needed to learn to teach it. Just like anything in life, there were tools given to me to help me along the way. Thank God for the teachers instructional guide! ha ;)

Herein lies the irony. In order for me to be a successful public speaker, I need to learn how to be one. They always say you learn more by teaching someone else about it. Who would have thought I would learn how to be a good public speaker by teaching others how to be one! The universe is much more savvy and mysterious than I give it credit for. I may be the only public speaker to have learned my skill this way.

It is true. I am learning more and more about public speaking the more I teach it. The more I see public speakers, the more I connect the concepts, theories and applications that are in the textbook to real life. This is an important step in progressing on my path: watching people doing what I want to do. Lucky for me, I found a place where I can witness a good public speaker in action every week. Every Sunday in fact. I refuse to go to a church where the speaker - or pastor/minister/priest, whatever you call yours - does not actually inspire, touch and motivate me to better my life.  However, it's also a great learning tool to watch someone doing something poorly so you can pick out what it is that's not effective about what they're doing and learn not to do that.

Interestingly, going through this learning process myself, has also taught me HOW I learn which in turn makes me a better teacher! I will apply these learning concepts in my classroom and when I'm touring around as a public speaker teaching others.

You see how the universe will give you what you desire in ways you may never imagine? Don't doubt its mysteriousness. Know that everyone's path is unique and therefore you can't compare yourself to others. Even if someone is working towards something similar to you, their path and progress will probably be completely different than yours. The way others have been successful at something doesn't mean that has to be the way you will achieve success at it. Think outside the box.

Trust the universe and the strange, unique path it sends you on as long as you keep using the law of attraction.