
I've Started a Radio Show

I started a radio show to help give local Nashville (and outside) indie musicians a chance to share their music with the world (or at least the dozen people who listen to my show ;).
My other purpose is to have another outlet to teach others about the law of attraction/law of the universe. I have one lesson/message each week in-between the music and LOVE to hear others stories of how the Law has worked for them or some other positive/inspiring story, and I would LOVE to share people's stories with the world. Imagine a radio show like Delilah, but focused on the Law and other positive/inspiring stories only (not to mention better MUSIC! ;).  Who says positive, spiritual people can't ROCK?!

It's every Sunday from 6-9pm (CST) on 88.5 fm in the Nashville area or streaming live online at www.WVCP.net.

I'd love to have you send me a message if you want to share anything on air. Send me a message through my Facebook page: Megan Rox's Indie Rox Show.

Oxy Moron - Simple yet Difficult?

I have several things I want to share, so I am posting twice today. This thought I have is short & sweet yet very powerful.

I am amazed at how simple the law of the universe/law of attraction is yet how difficult it can be to utilize. Once in a while, I think about how simple it is...

I was talking to some people the other day and someone was stressing about not having enough money to make the big out-of-state move that was planned for the end of the week. They recounted how in another big move, they were stressed leading up to it but ended up getting enough money in the end in random ways to be able to move, and I thought, "isn't it interesting that things can be so hectic and stressful when you don't know what the future holds and you have doubts and question whether it will work out and start worrying about 'what if it doesn't' but when you look back, it always ends up working out in the end?"

It makes me think that we could all save ourselves a lot of headache, heartache, stress and anxiety if we just realized it will all work out in the end. If we had faith that this time would be no different than the last hundred times when things just worked themselves out in the end and stopped worrying in the interim, we'd save ourselves a lot of stress.  Who would consciously choose the most difficult road to get to where you're going when you could take the easy way? Stressing and worrying just makes things more difficult on yourself (not to mention actually kills you - http://healthandsurvival.com/2008/01/30/stress-kills/).

It's interesting that it seems to be human nature (or maybe societal conditioning?) that people spend a lot of time thinking about what they would do for plan B. What they would do if their ideal situation/desire/dream didn't pan out? Why would you spend more time & energy thinking about what you would do if it didn't pan out than you would thinking about what you will do when it does pan out?

I've heard all sorts of excuses from people who think this way as to why it's the proper, realistic, mature, appropriate, blah, blah, blah, thing to do. Some say they need to mentally prepare themselves for the possible let-down, the possible failure. Doesn't that scream fear of failure or rejection? If you didn't have that fear, you wouldn't feel the need to prepare yourself for the realization of that fear? What happens to people who don't have fear? They never fail in their minds. They just figure out ways that won't work to achieve their dream. And, ultimately, isn't that how we all succeed in doing something anyway? Figuring out what not to do, so we know what TO do. That's how kids learn and you don't see them getting bent out of shape when they try something for the first time and fail. They just get back up and try it again a different way until they figure it out.

There's More Than One Way to Skin a Cat
For those whose excuse is that they need to make sure they can make a living in case their plan/dream doesn't pan out. Well, I say they need to figure out a new way to make a living that can be done at the same time as their plan/dream if it takes longer to manifest than they plan. Why do people tend to think of things in black or white; tend to have dichotomous thinking? Try thinking outside the box. Why couldn't you try a different way to make a living than you currently do? A different slant on your current job? Another possible source of income? If you think, "if I can't do it exactly the way I want or envision, then I don't want it at all", you're being closed-minded (and stubborn?). Who says you know exactly the best way to do something? There's more than one way to skin a cat (sorry cat lovers, shall I say, skin a rat instead?).  If you were an expert at what you endeavor to do, you'd already be doing it and successful at it. Think of yourself as a child trying something new for the first time. You might have to go at it a different way. Many people give up when something doesn't work out the way they try it or envision it the first time. Seems pretty limiting and self-defeating, doesn't it? What would happen if children thought this way? They would never learn to walk and Hoverround would be a booming business.

Ok, so again, I think I'm going to share a short thought and I end up rambling on. I'm just so passionate about the law of the universe and about trying to get people to realize it and believe in it and try it. :)

When You're Feeling Stress & Anxiety...

I'd like to share with you a technique that I've found effective for relieving negative emotions.

When you're feeling stress, anxiety, frustration, anger, or any negative emotion, it doesn't feel good, does it? We all have the power to control our emotions and thoughts. Ironically, it's simple but not always easy, and also very worth it because who wouldn't want to be able to stop feeling crappy and start feeling good?

I've found love to be the most powerful emotion that can take away my negative emotions.  The other week I was feeling stress, anxiety and self doubt about my future. After a few hours of feeling self pity and generally feeling crappy, I thought to myself, this is silly, if I know I have the power to change my thoughts (see Wayne Dyer's book, Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life), why don't I try to get rid of this crappy feeling because it doesn't feel good. So, I laid down in my bed (because it's the only quiet, peaceful room in my house), and said to the universe, I don't want to feel like this anymore so I now release all feelings of self doubt and any other negative emotions. I had to concentrate on visualizing these emotions leaving me and also ask for (and visualize) love from the universe, any helpful/healing spirits/angels out there, and of course, God. You have to have a very open mind and heart for this. I asked for a hug and to feel lots of love and visualized God giving me a big bear hug and could actually imagine what it feels like when someone who loves you gives you a great big hug. And, you know what? I actually felt it. It was the most warm, safe, secure, loving feeling and I felt love washing over me. I no longer felt any negative emotions. I felt nothing but love and basked in that awesome feeling for a while. I did not go back to feeling self doubt or self pity after that. In fact, I was more renewed and inspired than ever and felt like I had a new love for life and people. I couldn't believe how simple it was to get this amazing feeling! I highly recommend everyone try it, especially if you find yourself feeling crappy.

You can also do it with a specific loved one, dead or alive. I've done it before with my grandma who passed away about 5 years ago. For some reason, I feel a stronger spiritual connection with those who have passed. Anyway, it's great because when you really open yourself and your mind and concentrate and visualize them giving you a hug, you can really feel it! Try it sometime if you're really missing a loved one who has passed. What do you have to lose? Nothing. What do you have to gain? Feeling great.

If anyone has tried this (or something like it) and would like to share your experience/benefits, I'd love to hear it.

I have a radio show on Sunday evenings from 6-9pm (CST) on 88.5 fm in the Nashville area or www.WVCP.net streaming live online. If you'd like to share your similar experiences on this stuff or even just a comment, I'd love to hear it. Feel free to post on my Facebook page or call in during my radio show. I love to share others inspiring stories on my show!