
When You're Feeling Stress & Anxiety...

I'd like to share with you a technique that I've found effective for relieving negative emotions.

When you're feeling stress, anxiety, frustration, anger, or any negative emotion, it doesn't feel good, does it? We all have the power to control our emotions and thoughts. Ironically, it's simple but not always easy, and also very worth it because who wouldn't want to be able to stop feeling crappy and start feeling good?

I've found love to be the most powerful emotion that can take away my negative emotions.  The other week I was feeling stress, anxiety and self doubt about my future. After a few hours of feeling self pity and generally feeling crappy, I thought to myself, this is silly, if I know I have the power to change my thoughts (see Wayne Dyer's book, Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life), why don't I try to get rid of this crappy feeling because it doesn't feel good. So, I laid down in my bed (because it's the only quiet, peaceful room in my house), and said to the universe, I don't want to feel like this anymore so I now release all feelings of self doubt and any other negative emotions. I had to concentrate on visualizing these emotions leaving me and also ask for (and visualize) love from the universe, any helpful/healing spirits/angels out there, and of course, God. You have to have a very open mind and heart for this. I asked for a hug and to feel lots of love and visualized God giving me a big bear hug and could actually imagine what it feels like when someone who loves you gives you a great big hug. And, you know what? I actually felt it. It was the most warm, safe, secure, loving feeling and I felt love washing over me. I no longer felt any negative emotions. I felt nothing but love and basked in that awesome feeling for a while. I did not go back to feeling self doubt or self pity after that. In fact, I was more renewed and inspired than ever and felt like I had a new love for life and people. I couldn't believe how simple it was to get this amazing feeling! I highly recommend everyone try it, especially if you find yourself feeling crappy.

You can also do it with a specific loved one, dead or alive. I've done it before with my grandma who passed away about 5 years ago. For some reason, I feel a stronger spiritual connection with those who have passed. Anyway, it's great because when you really open yourself and your mind and concentrate and visualize them giving you a hug, you can really feel it! Try it sometime if you're really missing a loved one who has passed. What do you have to lose? Nothing. What do you have to gain? Feeling great.

If anyone has tried this (or something like it) and would like to share your experience/benefits, I'd love to hear it.

I have a radio show on Sunday evenings from 6-9pm (CST) on 88.5 fm in the Nashville area or www.WVCP.net streaming live online. If you'd like to share your similar experiences on this stuff or even just a comment, I'd love to hear it. Feel free to post on my Facebook page or call in during my radio show. I love to share others inspiring stories on my show!