
The Wonders of Being Guided By Spirit

My last Empowerment Hour with TSU students today was so inspiring and heartwarming, I think I got as much of a benefit as I think the students did. I love how the universe guides me through other people. I didn't even bring any notes of what I was going to talk about, I just trusted my spirit would guide me and I'd know what to do when it started. I thought of some ideas of what I could say over the last week and sure enough, when I let spirit guide me, it's like magic sometimes how cool things unfold and how spirit guides me when I keep myself open to it.

So, I just decided to let them tell me what they wanted to talk about - so I could directly address their needs. I gave them pieces of paper and said to write any question they have about anything in the areas of relationships, career and/or spirituality. They came up with such precious and brilliant questions. I not only was able to help them with some big issues they have in their lives right now but I am learning what young people of college age are having problems with. There are, not surprisingly, common issues. The better I can know this audience, the better I can develop speeches with pertinent content - that will attract them to want to come to hear my message.

And also, one student asked about meditation. Ironically, the answer to almost everyones questions seemed to boil down to the fact that having a clear, strong connection with spirit is the answer and meditation is a main way to achieve that. Now I see why my spirit was pushing me so hard to do these Empowerment Hours with the students, and the drive to keep trying even after the first one failed - no one showed up. I just feel a push that's bigger than myself to keep at it. Some would call that following your heart. Now I see how valuable it can be. I only had a few students this time but learned so much and have much more clarity about what to do for next steps.

Baby steps. I have patience and confidence in growing my business and making a living as a public speaker because I know something much bigger than myself is guiding me and therefore it can't go wrong. I know this and have faith in it because I've been testing this theory / phenomenon for years and it has proven time and time again that it's the best GPS for you live.

Thank you students who attended my Empowerment Hour today. You've inspired me and you and your struggles are in my thoughts and heart. You are all such brilliant, beautiful, talented young ladies and I hope I can help you see that for yourselves.