I've discovered (well, really just come to accept) that every decision really is a good one. I've come to have complete trust in the universe that it will give me whatever is best for me. In that newfound trust, I feel like a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I no longer have to fret, stress and analyze (ad nauseum) when I have to make decisions. I know that any decision I make will bring me closer to my goal whether it will show me what I don't like or want or whether it will open my eyes to a new path to my goal that I hadn't previously seen or thought or known about.
Knowing that the universe really will take the seed of desire you plant and run with it to your best interest/highest good, is a very comforting feeling. No longer do I feel the need to control & analyze or worry about every step of my life. I can't tell you how big of an impact this has had on my life - how much of a relief it is to not worry about everything. I used to be prone to worrying or over-analyzing every step of my goals. I would set goals and set up the steps I thought I had to take to reach my goals and if one of the steps didn't pan out, I would stress & worry that I wouldn't reach my goal. Needless to say, my life is so much more enjoyable now that I don't feel the need to control every little step on my path.
I know the universe knows what's best for me even better than I do, when I give it my ultimate desire - when I plant that seed. There are endless possibilities/ways to reach any goal and I am not aware of all of them. The universe is aware though and will tell you. How does it tell you? Through your intuition. You know when you get a feeling you should do something or contact someone, etc...? This is your intuition. You should always listen to your intuition. Having trouble hearing your intuition or distinguishing it from your mental chatter? Meditate. This is the best way to quiet your mind and get the information the universe is trying to give you.
I'm just enjoying watching what the universe will unfold for me to help me reach my desires. I continue to try to stay open minded for doors opening or new paths unfolding that might not seem related to my desires/goals. I also continue to try to keep listening to my intuition and keep my mind clear to hear information the universe gives me. And, I continue to keep my ultimate desire in mind. It's exciting to watch my unique path unfold.
This is definitely not the easy way out. It is very challenging to have the belief in something greater than you and trust it will give you what's best for you. It's very challenging to give up control of the small stuff. You will also be shown issues/blocks you've had for a long time probably that will prevent you from achieving your desires. It's not easy to confront, accept and work through these long-standing issues (e.g. emotional scars, bad habits, beliefs that no longer serve you). I've had subconscious emotional issues that have surfaced in the last couple years and for one of them, I cried for a week straight. Once I worked through that however, I felt like a giant weight was lifted off my shoulders and was able to get more clarity about my desires.
I have a problem with a some of the law of attraction authors, books, movies, etc... (like "the secret") that say it's so easy. I feel that's misleading. It's great in that it probably attracts people to want to learn more about it and give it a try. However, it doesn't prepare people for when they are faced with difficult issues they need to work through in order to be able to utilize the law. I've seen many people give it a try and when they realize how difficult it can be, they give up.
I'm here to tell you that it is not easy BUT it's very worth it!