
Documentation of the Law of Attraction in Action

Just wanted to document the law of attraction working...

My band just released our first full-length album (www.scalemodelmusic.com if you want to check it out) and we needed to hire a PR person to send press releases to media around the country/world but after paying for all that goes into recording, mixing, mastering, duplicating, the album, etc... we were broke. I just believed that we would find money somehow and the night before we were going to meet with the PR person, I called my mom who said she just donated $100 to our album - exactly the amount we were short for what we needed to pay the PR person. Shit like this happens all the time. I need to start documenting it more so people can see the law of attraction actually works.
Werk it!

In other news, tonight it became even more clear to me that my purpose in life is to inspire people to follow their dreams.