Happy New Year!
Phew, the last month has been a whirlwind with end-of-semester craziness and the holidays. I'm so glad to have a month vacation before the spring semester starts. I need some down time.... to finish life coach certification with Radiant Health Institute, start building my life coach business, become a rockstar and meditate among other things.. ;)
Meditation is not just imperative to spiritual health/connection but also for mental health.
It helps to develop or improve compassion and patience for ourselves. As you know if you've tried meditating, it's very difficult to clear your mind of thoughts and the only way to stick with meditation is to not be impatient or frustrated with yourself when thoughts keep popping up in your mind. Just know it's natural and ok and don't scold yourself, just let the thought(s) go and attempt to clear your mind again. Even after meditating daily for several years, I frequently have thoughts pop up. When you do a mantra-based meditation, it doesn't matter if you have thoughts popping up anyway. You still reach a meditative state. Sometimes it's easier than others for me to reach deep meditation.
When I was in Panama City Beach for Christmas, I was able to go very deep easily. I wonder if it has something to do with the energy of the ocean?
I suffered from depression and anxiety and meditation is the one of the main things that keeps my anxiety at bay now. It's like church for the soul. If I don't meditate, I find myself feeling anxiety creeping in.
Meditation can be particularly difficult in the beginning if you haven't been alone with your thoughts/emotions before. Or, if you are uncomfortable with your thoughts/emotions. If you have done everything you can to keep some kind of "noise" in your life so you don't have to pay attention to your thoughts or emotions, you need to face them and release them. Whether it be turning the TV on when you get home from work and leaving it on all night for background noise or 'white noise' to fall asleep, or doing something to relieve your uncomfortable thoughts/emotions such as eating, shopping, or taking some drug or other substance to take you away from or numb your thoughts/emotions. It's not easy to feel unpleasant emotions, but the sooner you allow yourself to, the sooner you can release them and become more connected with the bliss that is your spirit (i.e., spirit = love).
My experience and belief is that life is a balance between ego and spirit. Most people live with their ego taking the drivers seat, and aren't very well connected with their spirit. Meditating is connecting with spirit and when you lose your connection with spirit, the ego creeps in. Ego is responsible for any emotion that's not based from love (e.g., fear, anxiety, self-doubt, depression, feelings of worthlessness, or lack of motivation for doing the things you love).
Tip: if you're feeling unmotivated, ask yourself, is it because what I'm doing is not what my spirit is calling me to do (what I'm meant to do), or do I just need to get a deeper connection with my spirit, or do I have an emotion that needs to surface and be released?
Emotions must be released. Disease is what happens when they are not and are suppressed for a long enough time (&/or the strength of the emotion is strong enough). Meditation helps with this.
Meditation is not easy. It's a discipline. I'm not one who is very disciplined in things that aren't always pleasant. However, meditation is one discipline that has so many benefits that are invaluable. I can't tell you enough how worth it it is to try it and stick with it. Your life WILL be much better because of it.
P.S., meditation will help you get clarity on choices/decisions. Ask the universe (or God or spirit, whatever you call it) a question and meditation will help you get clarity - although it might not be immediate.
I'd love to hear your thoughts/comments or experiences with meditating if you've done it.