
Wisdom From Wayne Dyer

I just watched the movie, The Shift with Wayne Dyer that Hay House recently put out. Wayne had a couple pieces of advice. One of which I don't know that I agree with (the first).

1. Detach from the outcome

2. If your purpose is to serve others, the universe (God, or whatever you call it) will provide - serve you

The first one seems contrary to the law of attraction, which is to envision in as much detail as possible, the exact outcome you want - the goal/desire you wish to manifest and focus on that. You first have to think about what it is you really desire and take steps toward achieving it. I believe that once you take steps toward what you want, you shouldn't worry about the details and just trust that if you keep following what you love, what you're drawn to, the universe will put you on the right path to the end goal. But, I believe you have to keep the end goal in mind and imagining it as you go along.

But who am I to say? I have yet to achieve any of my desires yet (rockstardom, best-selling author, motivational speaker touring the globe). And Wayne has achieved his desires, so maybe he knows something I don't. I have a feeling he might mean you should not try to control HOW you're going to get the outcome because that makes sense to me. But not focusing on the outcome at all? hmmmm

#2 is true because I've experienced it time and time again in my own life. Probably because I feel so good helping others and as I always say, feeling is the language of your spirit and when you're aligned with your spirit, you're aligned with all that is. And the world is at your fingertips, literally.

I'm curious to hear your thoughts on any of this.