
An Amazing Thing Happened in Europe

I just got back from my European adventure with Dave a few days ago, just in time for the new semester of school to start (lots of prep work in 2 days - phew!!!). We went to 4 cities in 12 days to celebrate our 10-year wedding anniversary (Amsterdam, Paris, Bellinzona, Switzerland, and Venice). It was the trip of a lifetime!

I have to write about my amazing spiritual experience that happened. I knew something big spiritually/universally was going to happen on this trip because I was called to go, specifically in August. I was telling Dave for months before (heck, even a year ago), that I felt called by the spirit world/universe to go to Paris in August this year because something big was going to happen. When I was planning the trip, I knew I wanted to go to Paris, Amsterdam (because I had never been there before), and Venice (Paris & Venice were my 2 favorite cities last time I was there when I studied abroad 14 years ago) but I didn't know what other country/city to choose. We were thinking about Germany, maybe Munich, but it just didn't feel it was the right city, so I was asking around for suggestions on other cities (that I hadn't been to) and someone I met at a party suggested Switzerland, and that sounded good. So, I looked on the Switzerland main tourism website and a picture of Bellinzona on a slideshow popped up, and I thought - I want to go THERE!!  It was a beautiful small town in the Swiss alps that had a couple castles from the 12th century. It turns out, the main reason I was called to Europe was for something in this city. I felt, when I booked it that the energy of something so old would feel amazing, but I had no idea the magnitude of what I was called to do.

So, here's what happened... In Paris, on the 3rd day we were there, we went to Mont Martre and brought a blanket and laid down on the grassy hill below the cathedral that overlooked Paris. I thought that would be a good place to meditate, so I did so for 20 min. (my usual meditation time). I felt some kind of energy or something spiritual was imparted to me. I knew later that that was the big thing I was told would happen in Paris. I felt something a lot bigger was supposed to happen in Paris before we left for the trip, so I was a little disappointed.

The next city we went to was Bellinzona, Switzerland. We ended up getting a room with a balcony that overlooked the big castle (which was a block away) and the hotel itself was backed up against one of the castle towers. That first night there, Dave & I sat out on the balcony and enjoyed the view of the castle lit up and the beautiful mountain right behind it. I got the urge to try to connect with the spirits who lived/worked at the castle a long time ago. Immediately, I felt many warriors and a strong sense of fear. I sensed that they were always fearful because their lifetime was filled with war and they needed the castle and it's walls to protect their lives. I thought what a shame that they still felt this way, especially surrounded by the most beautiful scenery I've ever seen, so I opened my heart chakra and sent them love. All of a sudden, I heard a bunch of cheering. It was like the spirits were waiting for someone to help them with this and it was a big deal. That's all I could sense. Then, the most amazing thing happened. I felt a big ripple in the time/space continuum. I don't know how to describe it but it was like someone taking a big blanket or rug and shaking it out.

This was the second time I had experienced being able to sense a dimension in the universe that's greater than/outside of/bigger than the dimension that we can see/sense here on earth. I had heard from some people, authors, and quantum physics scholars that in reality, in the universe, time is not linear like we can only see here on earth. Time is parallel. The past, present and future are actually happening at the same time on parallel layers in the time-space continuum. It helped me to see a diagram of how it might look, I think it was in the documentary, What The Bleep Do We Know, or Down The Rabbit Hole. But anyway, I sensed a major shift in the time-space continuum and that the present and future had been majorly changed because of it (for the better).

After pondering it, I think the reason I was called to go there and do that specifically in August, was because it was needed to help somehow with the big dimension shift that's supposed to happen to earth this year. I also think that location, being one of the oldest, earliest settlements of humans (the first fort was build there in 500 BC!!!) has significance. It would make sense that to help with the global shift this year, we might have to go back and change the earliest beginnings of human civilization here on earth, as well as the farthest future. I have a feeling someone (or more people?) here on earth are reaching out on the time-space continuum to affect necessary change in the future (that is actually happening at the same time). I have no idea exactly what happened there, but I sensed a magnitude of something so much bigger than myself and my world, that I've never sensed before. I think I'm still processing it energetically. As I write this, I'm overcome with emotion and gratitude.

One of the cool things that happened right after I helped shift the energy/emotion there from fear to love is, in return, the spirits gave me their power. They were warriors who had much power and they actually told me I have much power and am a natural warrior. They also told me people will listen to me. Those are the 2 things they told me, and it was what I needed to hear at this point in my life. It reaffirms to me that what I'm trying to teach, and the messages I'm trying to get out to as many people as possible - people will listen to.