Ok, I'm going to try it! Tithing. (here's the definition if you don't know what it is... http://www.thefreedictionary.com/tithe). Dave & I have been worrying about money too much lately (and not about how much we have, although that would be a great thing to imagine, having so much money we don't know what to do with it all!).
First of all, we know full well the universal law of attraction. When it comes to money, if you worry about it, the universe will continue to give you reasons to worry about it (aka, continuing to not have it). I'm just telling you what others have told me and what I've experienced first hand in my life - my "proof" it is true. I didn't make this shit up - although it would be cool if I would have. I'd really not have a lack of money if that was the case! LOL! ;)
So, I know this worrying is not helping and I've been asking the universe/God/my spirit guides for guidance on what to do so I can afford everything I need and want to do this year. Because I pay attention to and am in tune with the spirit world (including God) and universal guidance, I have gotten a clear answer quickly and in several different places.
One is in an audiobook I felt the "urge" to listen to recently is Prosperity Plus. Urges are not coincidences btw. It is spirit guiding you. Another place I was guided to is the book Flying High by Calvin Lehew and Stowe Shockey. He talks about how we was able to become a millionaire (his goal from a young age) by the time he was 25. What I'm reading now says when you give of yourself, much will be given to you. Calvin said in order to be successful in business, or anything in life, you have to give more than is expected.
This is directly related to tithing and also the basic universal law of reciprocity - you get back what you give (usually multiplied). It just makes a lot of sense to me. I've certainly been experiencing the law of reciprocity with love. As you know, if you've been reading my blog, I have been experimenting with what happens when I put love out to everyone/the universe. Well, I've been getting a lot of love back! Unfortunately, not always in ways I want (several men - some I already know, some I just meet - have been telling me they like me or are attracted to me).
Single ladies (or men)?! Pay attention to that!
If you want to attract love, you have to first put it out there. Boy does it work!
(of course part of it is being able to love yourself, your whole self completely, but that's another chapter for another day - come to my workshop if you need help with this - it's what I talk about).
Anyway, so, I know the law of reciprocity works with giving love, so I figure why wouldn't it work the same way for money. If I give money to good causes, I should get money back (and more than I give). I think there's something to this tithing thing. I'm going to give it a try.
I'll tell you how it goes. Wish me luck (and money - I need it! ;)
P.S., I'm having a very hard time coming up with a title for my workshop about loving yourself=loving others=improving relationships=improving happiness. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!