I have been continuing to ask the universe and pray about this "catch" I've discovered in the law of attraction and ....... get ready for it......
I've found the answer!
I found the answer in a class at this new church I started attending (that doesn't believe in hell btw - hallelujah). It takes the class through the first Conversations with God book. It's a great beginning book to read btw, if you're wanting to start learning about the new thought philosophy (of which the law of attraction is a part). Anyway, here is the answer...
You can't manifest something unless you feel in every cell of your body and heart that it's something you really believe you can have or do.
This sounds simple and it is, yet at the same time it's very complicated. I think your spirit/soul has to agree with the desire that your ego creates and this often doesn't happen and when it doesn't happen, you don't get that 100% sure feeling that whatever it is is meant for you.
The key here is ego. The ego is very powerful and gets in the way of life paths and manifestations all the time. In fact, I've just recently had a major life shift when I released my ego's part in my ultimate manifestation. I should change the title of this blog now because I have changed my ultimate life goal that I want to manifest. I realized it was my ego that was holding on to the dream of wanting to become a rock star like Madonna or Lady Gaga and that I really didn't feel in my heart that was the exact path for me. It was a difficult decision to let go of this dream that I've had for such a long time now, but I feel it was getting in the way of me realizing my ideal, unique path and life goal. It took a strong faith in God and the universe to let go and believe that if I follow my heart and not my ego, things will end up even better than I could have imagined with my former rockstar dream.
I realized that what really fulfills me and makes me feel blissful is helping people achieve their dreams and be happier in their lives in general. I feel it is my calling and path in life to do this on a mass level (e.g., not just helping one or two people every day but helping hundreds if not thousands). I still love singing very much and am not leaving that out of the mix. I believe there is a way to combine my love for singing and helping people. This is my unique path that I am now using the law of attraction for. I have never felt more connected with anything like I have this desire and I feel with 100% confidence and with every cell of my body that I can and will do it.
I believe that we unconsciously put unnecessary limits on our desires. We have to stop thinking that there's something wrong with wanting the best or most or biggest success. The ocean of abundance has plenty to go around for everyone. It's not like if we take more than our share, someone else won't get as much. I like what the minister at my church says you should do when you ask for something. Say what it is you desire but follow that up with "or something better". I think many times, the universe gives us what we want, but it doesn't happen in quite the same way we imagined it or doesn't follow a typical/ traditional path. We need to have faith that we will get what we want (if we follow the "catch law" I've explained above), and be open to it manifesting in different, unique ways.
An example of not following the "catch law"...
A couple years ago when I was first learning about and trying out the law of attraction, I tried using it to manifest a job I interviewed for. I followed everything it said to do and think but did not end up getting the job. I was telling myself that I really wanted this job and all the reasons it would be perfect for me and that I was totally capable of doing a good job, but I now realize that telling yourself you really want something can fool you into believing it but I look back and see that my heart wasn't completely in it. I thought it was at the time because I kept telling myself it was just so the law of attraction would work. You can fool your mind and ego, but you can't fool the universe. If your spirit isn't in accordance with your desire, you simply will not be able to manifest it. This is a good thing though. If I would have gotten that job, it might have distracted me from or prolonged my necessary soul searching period that helped me figure out the job and path that WAS in accordance with my spirit.