When I tell many people about the law of attraction, they look like they are humoring me but have disbelief. They are probably thinking, this is too good to be true - there must be a catch. Well, I have discovered the "catch", if you want to call it that, to the law of attraction. You can't expect to manifest anything/everything you want. I think many people, authors, books, etc, on the law of attraction are misleading because many of them say you can manifest anything you want. I have found that this is not true. There are conditions. However, it's probably in your best interest ultimately that you can't just get whatever you want whenever you want it. I have had many fleeting desires in my life (who hasn't) and not all of them would have been best for me at the time or ever for that matter if they were to manifest.
Ester Hicks/Abraham say you have to hold yourself in a vibrational pattern that matches the vibration of your desire for it to manifest. This is a very difficult concept to understand (at least for me). This is actually a key component to the law of attraction that I think many people misunderstand and is what causes many people from believing the whole thing even works at all.
The details of this concept are what I'm currently trying to learn more about and understand. Just when I think I understand, I talk to people (who are also believers in metaphysics and the law of attraction) who make me realize I'm not so sure I understand. The thing that I find difficult to understand is how your "sacred contract" and the desires that you're trying to manifest relate to or affect each other. If your desires conflict with your sacred contract, are you still able to manifest them?