
Law of Attraction in Action

Here's how the law of attraction works...

It's not like magic, where things appear out of nowhere because you dreamt it or put the thoughts out there. Everything is already here that we need to fulfill our dreams, we just have tunnel vision - blinders like horses toting carriages. We are thinking the solution to what we want is going to be attained from a typical means to similar ends. We compare our situation and dream/goal with others that are similar and assume there is a usual way everyone achieves this type of dream/goal. We need to be open to possibilities outside of the norm. Once we realize everything we need is already out there, we just need to see it and take advantage of it, the blinders slowly come off and we can pay attention to all that is available. There is an infinite sea of abundance. It's just not always in the ways we assume.

Here's an example:

My car has body damage from an accident I had a few years ago, and we haven't wanted to pay the large amount of money it will take to fix it. I'm tired of looking at the damaged part of the car.

I've recently decided that I am not going to listen to everyone who says you need money to become successful as a touring band or to get anything else you want for that matter. I thought I'd open my mind to other possibilities to get what I want without needing money to get it. When I put out the thought that I'd figure out a way to get my car fixed without spending more than what I could afford, the next day, I was driving down the road (the same road I drive down all the time) and noticed the auto diesel college and a thought popped into my head (the universe giving me my answer) - I should call to see if they have students do car repairs to the public for cheap. Well, I called and they said they do public repairs for body work only and you only pay for parts. That happens to be the kind of repair I need at the cost I was looking for.