
Competition: healthy or not?

The ego is not beneficial to you and your happiness/success. As I've said before, emotions that come from the ego are anything that's not love or stemming from love (like compassion, forgiveness...). Competition is one ego-based emotion I'd like to talk about today.

As with any emotion that's from the ego, if you allow yourself to continue feeling them, you are blocking yourself from being connected with your higher self/God/the universal life force/all that is and that's what will bring you guidance, ultimate peace, happiness and success. So, it has been my goal for a while now to not allow anything to get in the way of my connection with that and my life has constantly improved because of it. In fact, my life has been so awesome this year, every time I thought it couldn't get any better it does! You too can feel like that! (it's my mission to help others do so).

It's natural to feel ego-based emotions like competition, jealousy, judging others, etc... because our society has taught us it's ok to think/feel these things, but as you work to improve your spiritual/personal development, you pay attention to your thoughts & feelings and notice when you start to feel any ego-based emotion and can stop yourself right away and choose to feel compassion, forgiveness and love to yourself and others instead. Notice I said to yourself too. This is because we subconsciously project our own emotions/thoughts onto others, so when we are angry at someone for their behavior, we're subconsciously angry at ourselves for being the same way/thing. This goes for competitiveness too. If you judge others for being competitive, you are actually not liking that part of yourself that is competitive. When you can recognize this, and you can forgive yourself for feeling competitive sometimes, you can then forgive others for their competitiveness. Same goes for any emotion. In the path to spiritual development (and "enlightenment"), we are human and aren't perfect. We slip up sometimes (though less and less frequently and for shorter periods of time when we're really connected with our higher selves). We just need to forgive ourselves and others for not being perfect.

Competition is not good or beneficial to you in any way. If you need competition to motivate yourself to get going and do something instead of just talking about doing something, than there's something blocking you from doing what you want to do (fear). Doing something because you want to compete with or be better than someone else is putting a wedge in-between your connection with your spirit/higher self & higher power.

Those who have a close connection with spirit know that you can achieve anything your heart desires and that there is plenty of abundance to go around for everyone, AND that each person's path is so unique, you can't possibly compare your path to anyone else's. ALSO, if you realize that we're all connected anyway, there's no need to compare yourself to or compete with anyone.

I promise you, that if you follow the spiritual development path that I'm teaching (based on all of my favorite teachings of many wise teachers/speakers/authors), you will not even have the tendency to feel competition or jealousy toward anyone. You will rejoice that others are following their passions and are becoming successful at it because what the world needs is more people doing this as it makes everyone more happy and loving.

Trust me, the societal belief that there's only so much to go around is NOT TRUE. This idea has been perpetuated by people who fear there isn't enough to go around. You don't want to follow fear.

I was inspired to write about this in lieu of big government competition going on. I have successfully ignored almost all of it (including all of the arguing based on non-factual info on facebook). I don't feel good getting involved in competition and arguments, so I don't. Most of what politicians say is a lie anyway - their job is to say whatever they think their constituents want to hear so they can get re-elected and keep their job.

I don't do anything that doesn't feel good. This is my life motto, and it should be yours too. Love feels good. Fear does not. I do not let myself wallow in fear (or any fear-based emotion) and my life is much better because of it. (incidentally, I've been manifesting shit like crazy lately! I'll have to write about it in a separate post).

Follow your heart. Do It. Do It Tonight (not just the title of my song which you can listen to here)