
Do You Wish Your Body Could Talk?

Do you wish your body could talk? Well, it can.

This should be something almost everyone experienced - your body giving you signs or signals that something isn't quite right. Those people who are more in tune with their bodies can sense when something isn't quite right before it has developed into a full-blown illness or disease. I see this as the basic form of your body talking to you. I also understand that the actual cells of your body can talk to you. I first learned this reading Dr. Mona Lisa's book, Awakening Intuition and have experienced it myself. The cells of your body also have a memory. That's why you can store a bad memory from long ago and when it surfaces many years later, you feel the emotions just as if the incident just happened. (Read any psychology book to learn more about this.)

Most people think bad memories that are repressed contribute to poor mental health only. Au contraire. They greatly affect physical health. In fact, people frequently don't experience any mental health issues from repressed bad memories and emotions but instead experience physical health issues.

Negative emotions being stored (or as I like to call it repressed) in your body have been proven to cause cellular damage over time. Dr. Mona Lisa is just one of hundreds of people who study energy medicine (and many other fields are now recognizing this) and they know that diseases, like cancer, are caused by certain negative emotions being repressed for a long time in certain parts of the body (different emotions all have a different place in the body that they're stored). These stored negative emotions, over time, cause damage to the cells in which they're stored. There are story after story of examples of this happening in Dr. Lisa's book as well as Deborah King's book, Truth Heals, and I know of a handful of others that I have yet to pick up but have heard about. Deborah, herself, developed cancer in her 20s and was completely cured by energy healing (which helped her negative emotions surface and release - this is what energy medicine, including reiki does for you).

Does this make you want to pay better attention to your body? Does it make you want to resolve or recognize and release old, negative, stored emotions?

When I first learned about this it did for me. That's one of the reasons I got into reiki - to help release old baggage and heal my physical and mental self.

If anyone has a story of healing that you'd like to share, I'd love to hear it!