As the Blues Brothers said, "I'm On a Mission From God".
So I haven't written in a long time because I've been in the dark about my path in life for a while and didn't seem to be getting what I desired which caused me to be withdrawn (maybe necessary to have the major spiritual transformations I've had in the last 6 months).
BUT... I finally got a big message from God today! I feel inspired to share this message.
I caught a bit of Joel Osteen's sermon on TV this morning (after my joking that you know you're in the bible belt when the only thing on TV Sunday morning is church TV). I thought I'd see why so many people seem to like him so much. After a few minutes, I heard a message that directly answered what I was talking to my dad about yesterday: That I was frustrated that I haven't reached success in my career yet, especially financial success.
I didn't really know what my exact career even was going to be, I just know that when I follow my heart, in my experience and belief, I can't go wrong. I've known that ultimately I will travel the country speaking/teaching/singing and in the last year I've discovered the audience I'm called to is young adults. I've even narrowed down the "what" that I will speak and teach about - what I've learned and believe about spirituality and how to use it to gain self confidence, self love and self empowerment. So, those are the only things about my ideal career I know. However, I've been in the dark for a while about not knowing the path to get there and what my next steps should be. This is a very frustrating and freightening feeling, not knowing. And I am a very impatient person so the last year of me asking God/spirit/my divine guides for answers and not getting many answers all the while struggling financially, has seemed like an eternity!
I'm thrilled to say, that my answer has finally just been revealed to me this morning!
First, I'd like to share with you what Joel Osteen spoke about that led me to my answer from spirit.
Keep the faith even in times of challenge AND when you don't understand why you're facing this challenge. Keep faith in following your heart and dreams despite this. For me this means not worrying or comparing myself to anyone else who might be reaching their own levels of success when I have not yet.
He also talked about challenge and pressure as necessary to build the character that you'll need to do what it is you're meant to do. And if the challenge was really an obstacle to achieving your dream, God would have removed it already.
I love the idea that in order to learn true faith, you have to learn it through doing/experiencing having it despite challenge.
I may have a longer, more challenging career path than most, but my faith is not waivering. I will stay the course and continue to ask spirit for guidance along the way because I know in my heart this will bring me success beyond my wildest dreams. I think few people could do this unique career path because it takes a huge amount of tenacity, and we all know I've got plenty of that! ;)
I'm not even thinking about money when I think about my calling because I believe the amount of love and joy that comes from doing something you're passionate about, and the rewards you get back from helping others is triple what you give. I don't need to think about making money at this stage because I know I will be rewarded very well financially when I follow my passion, heart and calling. I will be abundant in love, health AND money. And I have always been and will continue to be supported financially along the way. Somehow I've always managed to pay my bills and put a roof over my head and food on my table.
I'm grateful that I have so much love in my life right now (a wonderful husband and band that we have so much fun sharing together) as well as my health. And I really love my current job teaching the students at TSU. Not to mention our hearts and the love are going to expand more than ever when our first child comes into the world. I have so much to be grateful for as I journey along my path to my ultimate career, how can I complain? Well, I was fortunately (or unfortunately ;) born to shoot for the stars and have had a hard time being grateful for what I have along the way.
It's so necessary for me to get a glimpse of the bigger picture once in a while from the powers that be who see my bigger picture and confirmation that in fact, I am on the right path and that yes, I will actually reach the star that I'm shooting for in the future. Thank you God/universe/spirit! I needed that and am now feeling so much peach and gratitude for everything I have!
All it takes is faith. So simple yet SO difficult.
Faith. 1. Faith that all is just as it should be right now. 2. Faith that following your heart and love really is the answer. 3. Faith that each one of us has the power to fulfill our dreams, whatever they may be/look like. And when it doesn't seem to be panning out like or looking exactly how we imagined, see #1.
I feel like keeping my big message from spirit today about my path and next steps private (because many of you would think it's crazy as I did for a minute), but I'll tell you that it is not at all what I ever imagined I would be doing. But because I follow faith "rule" #1, I can see how it will lead me to my big picture, my ultimate career idea. And I know it will lead me there because when I was given this message/guidance today, my heart had fireworks thinking about it and I believe in faith "rule" #2.
Peace and love to you all and may you always follow your heart.