
First post

At an uncle's suggestion, I am starting a journal of all of the ways that the law of attraction is working in my quest to follow my dreams. I am not an expert on the law of attraction, but am testing it as I learn more about it. I’ll throw in some educational information on things I learn along the way. I welcome your comments and anything you'd like to share about your own experience with the law of attraction.

Once I finished grad school last spring, I was able to put my focus on what I really love and that is singing, writing music for our band, Scale Model, and performing. As soon as I was done with school, I looked on craigslist to see if any cover bands were looking for a lead singer, and the first time I looked, there was an ad for just that. I enjoyed singing with LTD and it gave me invaluable experience performing. I had been performing with my original indie pop/rock band, Scale Model, and a band before that (not to mention choir, band and musical theatre in jr. high, high school, and college) for over 10 years combined but never for 3-4 hours a night.

My long-term contract at the company I was at for almost 4 years expired at the end of July. This is a key factor that has allowed me to afford figuring out what I want to do in life (because of unemployment benefits). 

My path to learning to really listen to my intuition started a little over a year ago when I took a meditation class. Then, my friend from grad school told me about Equilibrium, a center for energy education in Chicago, and I had been curious about reiki for some time, so I became certified in reiki – level II. This is another key factor in my path to rockstardom. Reiki changed my life and has allowed me to get rid of longstanding issues and emotional blocks that were blocking me from being able to put all my energy toward becoming a rockstar. My purpose in life and path started becoming more and more clear as I did reiki on myself everyday.

After realizing that we were not going to sell our condo in the near future because the market was so bad, my husband and I, who were completely fed up with the place and our living situation (we lived in a tiny condo in a sketchy neighborhood of Chicago) discussed alternative options for getting out of there. We had been thinking about moving to Nashville for over a year after visiting and falling in love with it. We went down to record a few songs a couple times in the past 2 years and the second time, we thought, this would be a great town for us to live in.  So, since we were dying to get out of our living situation in Chicago and I no longer had a job tying me to Chicago, and my husband's business would do just as well if not better in Nashville, we decided to move there.

We set our move date for Nov. 1 and went down for just 2 days to look for a place to live. We looked on craigslist and set up appts. for those 2 days. The third house we looked at had everything we wanted, so we are now happily living in our ideal house.
Shortly before our move date, our Chicago realtor friend suggested that we rent out our condo until it sells or until we take alternative options. Just 2 weeks before we moved, we put the word out to our friends that we were looking for someone to rent our condo for 4-6 months and that same day, we had it rented to a friend. We didn’t want to rent it to a stranger, but someone we knew and trusted, so this couldn’t have worked out more perfectly. I was amazed that we found someone under those terms – they wanted to move in right when we moved out – which was 2 weeks from when we even asked – and someone who was ok with renting it for only 4-6 months (because if we got an offer from a buyer, he would have to move out).

These may seem like minor events – finding our ideal house to rent in one day, finding a good tenant in one day – but they are not really common and when added up, show the law of attraction at work in my path to manifest my dream.

These steps of my path so far, when written out, make it seem much easier than it really was. It took a lot of courage to leave our life in Chicago and go down to Nashville, not having jobs lined up. You need to have a lot of confidence to follow your instincts/intuition when everyone else thinks you’re crazy or aren’t doing the right thing. We’ve learned from experience that no good comes from following others advice when it just doesn’t feel right for us. So, we stopped succumbing to others’ and societal pressure on things that we knew were not right for us. No one knows what’s really right for us better than we do. This is what I think is one of the hardest parts of allowing the law of attraction to work in your life. (That and being able to hear and listen to your intuition).

We didn't spend too much time discussing moving to Nashville ad nauseum...we just listened to our intuition and it felt so right that we didn't spend much time heeing and hawing about it. We just knew we were very unhappy in our current situation and had to make a change. 
Tip: It’s good to weigh the pros and cons when making a decision, but don’t go crazy questioning and over analyzing what your intuition tells you, because then you won't follow it but stay stuck analyzing it!

We were very lucky to have encouragement from an uncle who has spent much time on personal/spiritual development and following the law of attraction. We went to visit him for a weekend to get more clarity or affirmation that we should follow our gut feelings. He told us he sensed that we really were following our intuition and not some compromise of what we thought we "should" do based on anyone else's ideals. He gave us encouragement that we will be successful at whatever we really want and use the law of attraction toward. It might sound too simple to be true, and before you see proof that it works, it's really hard to trust it. The first step is to test it. Once you put it into action and start seeing results, it's amazing! And of course, from there, it's easy to trust following your intuition and using the law of attraction to make it happen.

We have never been happier in Nashville. It feels more like home than any other place we've lived. Everyone here seems to be here for the same reason- they've moved here to follow their dreams too, so it's very inspiring. I've always believed you should surround yourself with people who are doing what you want to do and/or have the same mindset you do. I'm having the time of my life. We are having to live on a tight budget which is something not everyone is willing/happy to do, so you do have to be willing to make sacrifices for what you want. We don’t mind because, to us, it’s a small price to pay for manifesting our dreams. Since the law of attraction works on anything, I should try to work on using it to attract more money.

Following the law of attraction works, but it isn’t necessarily easy. I miss my friends and family, not to mention the comfortable, familiar, stable routine and income that my corporate job offered, but when I’m doing what I love – singing – I’m not thinking about any of that and life is bliss. I know that everything will work out fine when I use the law of attraction.

I believe it is important to take the time to first “find yourself” as many people say it… find out what you’re really passionate about because in my experience, the law of attraction works if you desire what your spirit also desires, otherwise subconscious thoughts will go against your conscious ones. I know this is hard to discover – subconscious thoughts and beliefs - and that’s why meditation and reiki was necessary for me to uncover those that were going against my true spiritual desires and blocking me from manifesting them.

I will post again soon. Again, I welcome your comments and anything you'd like to share about your own experience with the law of attraction